Mad Cow Disease Found In California – But Thats Only Half The Story

A case of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (mad cow disease) has been discovered in California but as usual you are only getting half the story in the media as you can see from the video below.

As you notice in the report they use B roll of cows eating grass in wide open pastures but this is far from the truth in this case as this was an industrial dairy farm where cows are kept in inhuman conditions, being treated will a whole list of drugs.

This is the real image of the industrial farming system and this is the system that is responsible for the outbreak of diseases and contamination yet in all their wisdom the FDA raid raw milk farmers and attempt to place so much economical pressure on them to put them out of business. The recent case with Organic Pastures were the FDA shutdown production on the suspicion of an e.coli outbreak that was proven not to be from Organic Pastures but rather from an FDA approved industrial farm (that was covered up in the media). They also took this opportunity to remove colostrum from the market for absolutely no reason other than for the interest of the industrial farming system. They corruption goes all they way to the top.

The FDA needs to be dismantled and new systems put in place to safeguard the public from this level of corruption ever again.

By coachrouse

Janda’s Postural Crossed Syndromes

Listen live to a discussion on Super Human Radio on Thursday 20th October 2011 at 10am PST or listen here or on iTunes in Super Human Radio.

“Posture is usually defined as the relative arrangement of the parts of the body. Good posture is that state of muscular and skeletal balance which protects the supporting structures of the body against injury or progressive deformity irrespective of the attitude (erect, lying, squatting, and stooping) in which these structures are working or resting.”

Janda’s Postural Crossed Syndromes includes two postural distortion patterns know as the “Upper Crossed Syndrome” and “Lower Crossed Syndrome”. The Postural crossed syndromes are characterized by alternating sides of inhibition and facilitation in the upper quarter and lower quarter as illustrated below.

Lower Cross Syndrome

The lower cross syndrome is characterized by an increased lumbar lordosis and an anterior pelvic tilt. The common muscular imbalances seen with the lower cross syndrome include short and tight hip flexors and lumbar erectors (erector spinae) crossed with lengthened and inhibited gluteus maximus and lumbo-pelvic-hip stabilizing mechanism (transverse abdominis, internal oblique, multifidus, pelvic floor muscles and diaphragm). Also commonly involved are the piriformis muscles which in 20% of individuals are penetrated by the sciatic nerve so that piriformis syndrome can produce direct sciatic pressure and pain. Arterial involvement of piriformis shortness produces ischaemia of the lower extremity, and through a relative fixation of the sacrum, sacroiliac dysfunction and pain in the hip.

Upper Cross Syndrome

The upper cross syndrome is characterized by rounded shoulders and a forward head posture. This pattern is common in individuals who sit a lot or who develop pattern overload from uni-deminsional training protocols. The common muscular imbalances seen with the upper cross syndrome include short and tight latissimus dorsi, pectoralis major and minor, upper trapezius, levator scapulae, and sternocleidomastoid (SCM) crossed with lengthened, weak stabilizers of the scapula (serratus anterior, rhomboids, middle and lower trapezius) and deep neck flexors. The result of these changes is greater cervical segment strain plus referred pain to the chest, shoulders and arms. Pain mimicking angina may be noted plus a decline in respiratory efficiency.

Reference: Muscles: Testing and Function, with Posture and Pain

The Assessment

There are several assessments that can be used to determine the type of postural distortion pattern and help to determine the underlying cause. Remember you want to treat the cause and not necessarily the symptoms, the postural distortion pattern being a symptom.

We start with an assessment looking at respiratory pattern because we want to look at the natural breathing pattern without the individual being aware that they are being assessed as this may cause them to alter their breathing pattern. Once they feel like they are being assessed they may unconsciously alter their breathing pattern and provide false information towards the assessment.

Next is the postural assessment. This can either be very in-depth which I prefer or can be a simple postural alignment assessment using a plumb line. In particular we are looking at pelvic tilt and thoracic curvature when looking at the upper & lower crossed syndromes but that is not to say that all information collected is not important and contributes to the final conclusion or diagnosis (being the underlying causes).

For this point we move to the muscle length tension assessment looking at passive range of movement of individual joints using a goniometer to accurately measure joint angles.

From the information above a plan can be made towards correcting the postural distortion pattern. This is discussed further in the show linked above and the how to apply the exercises below into a corrective program to correct the postural distortion pattern.

There some useful tools available that can help release the soft tissue. Many already know foam rollers but you may not be aware of The Body Wrench.

Thoracic mobilization is to regain mobility of the thoracic spine into extension. Must be used with care and individuals with a flat thoracic spine should avoid these techniques.

Thoracic Mobilization

Standing Cobra is an exercise I developed to address many of the postural weaknesses seen in the upper crossed syndrome.

Standing Cobra

The Standing Cobra exercise is to replace the traditional prone cobra exercise that loads the lumber disks with loads the potentially exceed their capacity. This also trains poor postural alignment. See the video below for a sample of the prone cobra.


Hip re-stabilization and glute activation

Hip Activation

By coachrouse

Video Blog: The SA Press (Serratus Anterior Press)

On each side, serratus anterior is a large, broad sheet-like muscle which runs from thorax to scapula. Serratus in Latin means saw-like, the appearance of the anterior origin of the muscle.

It originates from several sites on the outer aspects of the first eight – occasionally nine – ribs between their respective angles and costal cartilages. The first ‘digitation’ or muscular slip is anomalous in that it arises from both the first and second ribs. The remaining digitations arise from a single rib and the intervening intercostal fascia. The lowest four digitations are interrupted by the costal attachments of the external oblique muscle of the abdomen.

All the digitations pass posteriorly over the side of the thorax. They cover the medial wall of the axilla then deep to the scapula to insert into its medial border. The upper two digitations fuse to insert into the upper angle of the scapula along this line; the lower four digitations converge on the inferior angle; the intermediate digitations insert into the intermediate space. Mobile fascia is sited both superficial and deep to the muscle to permit free movement.

Serratus anterior is innervated by the long thoracic nerve (C5, C6, C7); nerve damage or muscular weakness may cause a winged scapula.

It has a variety of functions, the most important of which are protraction and lateral rotation of the scapula.


The calorie myth once again disproven….

Not to kick a dead dog but once again the calorie myth is disproven, this time at Case Western Reserve University. It’s about quality not quantity, they changed a processed diet to that one of all natural food – but in the process doubled the caloric intake. Yes it’s with gorillas, but if a calorie is a calorie then it should not matter at all.

Click here to read the article: Apes shed pounds while doubling calories, researcher finds

The Lies Vegans Tell…. The China Study

Before I start I want to make it clear that in this post I am referring to vegans that push the vegan diet as being more healthy and saves the environment. Now if you are vegan because of religious reasons then that is your decision. If you are vegan because you care about animal welfare then you need to do a lot more research to seek out the truth.  After having many discussions recently with mindless vegans who have no idea what they are talking about. It amazes me some of the crap that comes out of their mouths, and one common reference is the book “The China Study”.

I was going to do a lengthly article breaking down the China Study but once I started researching it I found many that had already done a fantastic job of breaking it down. Below are some links to these articles the I recommend you read and open your eyes to the truth.

The China Study: Fact or Fallacy?

The Truth About the China Study

The Protein Debate

This is just a small list of the great articles out there. Do yourself a favor and get educated but make sure it’s not based on lies and propaganda.